About Me

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I wore a cute glass,and i love mini dress. I love ice cream and cream of some cakes. I love cookies. I love fashion. I'm just a little weird chick and never know about something important. 13 years old.

November 13, 2010

My idola,the camera.

I actually,i don't know much more about camera,SLR,lomo cam and whatever things like that. Fact,i don't have any camera like that. I am too poor to buy them. I really want one! Seriously,the camera is so good and expensive,maybe i can get one if i save my money while 2 years saving -_- If i have the camera,maybe i WILL be a famous fashion blogger and famous little photographer,just LOL-ing enough. I can go to a mall and buy this camera to take some photos of my clothes,or take one then upload on my tumblr page,or a someone take me one of me/myself then i upload it to my LOOKBOOK page. This just my imaginings...

1 comment:

augustalolita said...

i love the canon!! i want one too!!